
Thursday, 28 March 2013

On Track With The Busy Week

Half of the heat packs are finished and ready to be put into their nice cellophane bags with tags!

The remaining half will be a Saturday job. Finished a notepad cover that I started back in January! This is the front (sorry about the photo quality - don't know why the camera is doing that) - the heart is a pocket for my pens and pencil.

And this is the back - I am thinking that I should have taken the photo in the day time not at night with the flash.
The clean up in the old house started on track today. My daughter got into the back veranda - still a ways to go with that. I attacked my never ending sewing and craft supplies....

Yes I do know where I have put things - although I have been reducing and will do a proper sort next week. have to get rid of the rubbish/unusable stuff first though!!

At least now I know what I have and can see it, and it is easy to access. For so long everything has been in the land of 'MESSY". It will be so good next week when I have finished sorting the 'keep it' stuff into labelled containers.

And this photo show half of the containers that I have emptied - why oh why do I have to keep every scrap, odd bits of threads etc - so good to have this clean out......

I am going to be really tough from now on - not going to keep this and that for maybe one day - that day never comes (as I keep telling the MOTHS with their sheds full of 'it will come in handy one day'). It is so good to be able to see what I have that has to be started and finished (so many things that I have planned to make for the gift box that I am going to get made this year), and I haven't taken a photo of the UFO boxes yet (yes people I said boxes) - might have to have a serious think about some of the UFO's - the ones sitting there because I really don't like them or have lost interest may have to be culled!!
Well, time to get some shut eye (it is only 1.30am and I am wide awake), the morning is drawing closer and another busy day ahead.

1 comment:

  1. it makes you feel so good after a clean out,well done and boy you sure have been busy.xx


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