
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Rain Rain Please Stay For Another Day

FINALLY - after weeks (I should say months) of very little to no rain it started on Tuesday. So happy was I that I went outside and took photos of THE RAIN!!!
See that fog like appearance - that is the rain! looking North toward Griffith from our house.

and that fog like appearance is there when you look to the east of our house (over Leeton way).

It was also looking like that to the west (CarrathoolHhay direction) and to the south (Darlington Point direction).
And this below tells me that yes indeed it is rain

And this is just out our back door pouring of our roof because no one has fixed the GUTTERS!!!! 

So promising, yet it only lasted..... wait for it...... 15 MINUTES and was not very heavy at all.
it rained again yesterday not a lot but enough to ensure the wet soil stuck to your shoes and the dogs feet (obviously by the state of our back patio!)
Then today it finally did the job properly !!! We have had over an inch (25mm) of rain here (areas around us have had  a couple of inches).
And since 1am this morning we have had thunder and very heavy rain. And the best part is it is reasonably spread throughout the Riverina and SW NSW - yes we needed the rain badly whilst QLD and the north and coastal area of NSW have had more than enough!!
Mother Nature is a quirky lady is she not????
At the moment I am very grateful for this particular bit of quirkiness.
Oh and for the drop in temperature .... it is a lovely 20deg currently!! So So Nice!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've had a wetting at last.hope you get the right amount and Mother Nature Dosnt over do it.
    Laura xx


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