
Wednesday, 31 July 2013


It has been cold in the mornings this past week....
I woke up to this on Thursday 25th

very crunchy underfoot!!

and the more it melted the colder it became
looking across our side paddock towards the juice factory on Friday 26th

and looking across the same paddock today - a good old pea soup fog!!

the sun coming up through the fog this morning at 8am!
But from 11am onwards we have had beautiful warm sunny days - so I have been
outside being the roundup queen - in the middle of winter the Marshmallow Weed, Khaki
Weed and even the Bathurst Bur and Scotch Thistle have been having growth spurts.
So I have been waving my magic wand everyday (and I am seeing the beginnings of results) -
trying to make spring gardening that little bit easier!! 

This beautiful pair are our new family members. Trixie on the right I bought for
myself (I missed having a little companion after Milly went). Trixie is a soft gentle
timid little girl. A week later I bought her sister Rosie on the left for my husband.
She is bigger, stronger, bossy, naughty and inquisitive - just perfect to be a ute or
truck travelling companion for Greg. They fight over their food, both of us, their bed
and anything else they can find; then they will curl up together in their bed, on our
feet, or on our lap (together) and sleep!
Tomorrow is being spent clearing out the bedrooms for my son and family who are
coming for the weekend - we have a family reunion and a baby shower for our
soon to be new grandson!! A lovely weekend coming up!


Saturday, 27 July 2013


You all know what it is like - hair is long and drab, fringe is in my eyes,
coming out of winter our skin hasn't seen the light of day, need a pick me up.
Well, that pick me up occurred right here yesterday!! A couple of
Macho Aussie Blokes thrown in as well!! 
On her way to the make over...

ooh....macho Aussie Guys waiting to work their magic!

oh oh ... don't think a Brazilian was asked for!!

very undignified.... a bag of potatoes is how not so Macho Aussie Guy treats us
Oh well... should make the best of it

all this twisting and turning - won't have to go to aerobics today

what is THAT!!!!.....oh fleece

Now where is girlfriend going.... OMG .....not down that thing!!!
That isn't all it?? Nah

nor is that all mine - must be from the girls before me!!
hmm so that is where it all goes to.... in garbage bags.... surely not..... ohhhhhhh
to the wool broker next!!! ahhh!!!

All Done!! Now to hit the road to lush green and muddy paddocks!
And that is what has been happening around here the last few days. Shearing. My nephew and his friend did the shearing, I checked in occasionally to take some photos (my shed days are over),
while my son did the penning, mustering and now the clean up!! It is the weekend
now which means time to do just what I want which will be continuing to build my
vertical garden from recycled pallets; and a bit of socialising.
What do you have planned for the weekend!!


Thursday, 25 July 2013

FINALLY...........IT IS TIME FOR ...........

XMAS IN JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After weeks of making and creating,
it was onto the waiting!
The parcels, they went and
the parcels they came,
all in all a rather fun bloggy game.
My new bloggy friend, Carol from Blessed Mum has been very busy,
making beautiful Xmas items for ME!!!!!
And I have been so, so spoilt!!
First up there is this lovely table centre made from a xmas panel - a
fun and cheeky Snowman - just love those legs!!

Next unwrapped are 2 cute Christmas tree ornaments - so sweet...

And then some xmas inspiration to hang on the wall......
BUT......that wasn't all there was in that post box......

there were little felt balls for some fabulous creating, white chocolate
mocha - much better than instant coffee while I work, and , and, and BLACK FOREST CADBURY CHOCOLATE BAR!! nomnomnomnom sipsipsip craftcraftcraft!!!
That is not all!!! Some beautiful Rose scented hand cream to look after these crafting hands; a roll on perfume stick to use on my days out; and a lovely red polka dot covered post it note pad - perfect for writing the supplies needed when I go shopping!!
then to top it all off there is this charming cross stitch fat quarter - hmmmm what can I create with that!!! So lovely and different to anything xmassy I have got in the xmas box!!
WOW!!! What a bundle!!!
Thank you ***CAROL*** for spoiling me sew!!!
I love every item in my parcel!!
And thank you to the wonderful swap mumma CHERYLL over at Gone Stitchin for all of her organising of this swap - so much hard work and time has gone into organising it all.


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

One Xmas item A Month 2013

It is that time of the month again when we share
our completed Xmas items that we have completed.
I made these items for a Xmas In July Swap.
Pop over to Narelle's blog Pins and Whiskers to see what all the
other lovely crafty bloggers have made for July!!!

Santa Wall/Door Hanger

Angel Mug Rug

Xmas Tree Hanger/Shelf Ornament
One Xmas item A Month 2013 post done without giving away
the recipient!!! And Xmas In July present opening is tomorrow!!!!


Just in the nick of time my Xmas In July Swap present has arrived!!!!!!!!!
and it is sitting in the lounge room taunting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what is on TV near midnight tonight - hopefully something interesting that finishes at midnight THEN I can OPEN my pressy from my swap partner!!!

Monday, 22 July 2013


Thursday, Friday & Saturday brought us rain - lots of it - around the 50mm mark.
The rain brought us cold - VERY COLD - down to the zero mark at nigh
 and only about 9 during the day.
The cold brought the WIND - I estimate at -10!!! - that is what it feels like when it
cuts through you anyway!
Maybe not as cold as many places are at the moment.... but we have ben spoilt this winter and had reasonably warm weather for June.
So there has been no gardening, no walks. just no outside activity.
But I have been busy inside. I have vacuumed, cleaned, washed and dried. And I have cooked meals for 5 days which means I don't have to tax my brain to think about what we are going to
have for tea each night this week!
I have also been busy playing with yarns - all sorts of yarns.
And thus my market stall will be looking much better in a few weeks.
Some time spent mixing and matching until the selection looks good together
 they laying them all out and pinning in place I move onto the fun part
 - sewing like a crazy woman all over the washaway
once I have calmed down it is into a bath filled with warm water to rinse
and after doing that twice, it is onto the clothes horse to dry and then
they become these.................

beautiful scarves

each time I make a new batch I think I will keep this one or that one
for myself but as yet I haven't

Now sitting on my sewing table are the fabrics for not 1 but 2 tote bags

Both are gifts and I am really looking forward to making them.
I made bags for several years and sold at markets - to the point that I never wanted to make another again!! Maybe it is because I have plenty of time to make these and I have chosen
to do them because I want to that I am looking forward to making them.
That's it from me for today - I hope wherever you are that your days are nice and sunny!!

Monday, 15 July 2013


Finished Xmas in July gifts
all wrapped up and on their way
to.... you.... or you..... or you.....?????
These are everywhere in blog land at the moment!!!

Saturday, 13 July 2013


A day in the garden today - 5 hours in fact and although I can see what I have
 done  it doesn't really look like much. Lots of re potting and we wheelbarrowed a pile of composted straw into a garden bed that was started 6 months ago and can now be planted up with shrubs in the spring.
my helper and I re potted 9 yuccas - which look fairly scrappy at the moment but as they all had good root systems they will take off in the spring. We also re potted 8 geraniums that were struggling. The soil was like rock in the pots so we added a heap of potting mix and compost so they should also take off in the warmer weather.
Whilst my mother was in Melbourne last week I asked her and my aunty to check out op shops for old teacups, teapots etc that would be okay to use for succulents. My grand daughter is nearing the end of her footy season and wanting to start doing markets again so I thought potting up succulents in these would be something a little different.
Well this is just a few of what they bought for me lol!!! I cannot let the pair of them out on their own again!! here I have 19 cups, 2 teapots and 3 bowls. I haven't opened the other boxful yet! I am inclined to keep the 4 white cups and 4 bright coloured cups for myself. Might substitute for some in my kitchen cupboard.
That is about it for tonight - tomorrow I am going to try to convert pallets into vertical gardens - my helper will be out again - this could be interesting (or rather the results will be!!!)

Friday, 12 July 2013


I am having a battle with time flying by lately!!
The last ten days have just disappeared on me! I have been looking after
 one of my other grandchildren!!!!
this is Pepper - who I have had the pleasure of looking after whilst my daughter and grand daughter are away for a week. She is just a beautiful, sooky, cuddly heavyweight!! I have to brace myself when she comes running to greet me because she run
 flat out and leaps at me - no easy task staying on my feet!!!
I have also been looking after my mothers house and dog whilst she has been away - so a drive into town each day for that, our 16yr old grandson has been here for the week also and as he doesn't have a licence I am his taxi for him to catch up with a few of his old friends (he did get on the tractor/slasher; forklift & lawnmower while he was here and did a lot of jobs for me!!
And my own baby, 20 year old Isaac had a hernia op last Tuesday so guess who wanted his mother at his side  all day and half the next - he can't drive either so I have been checking on him also.
I did manage to finish the Xmas In July Swap items!!!!
Here is a peek of them!!
Sorry for the quality of the photo but it I keep forgetting to take photos outside during daylight hours and my camera does not take good photos inside at night.
So that wraps up the last 10 days for me!!
Plans for the weekend - Saturday is creating in the garden, and
Sunday is creating at the sewing machine.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend planned doing what you enjoy the most!!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

What To Do Today........

So lovely and sunny here today after a very cold morning. What to do?? Stay inside and do the mundane washing, cleaning etc or go outside and do some more in the yard!
So I have combined the two..... sorting stuff in the old house and taking it outside to the burning pile, and picking up rubbish and garden clippings (twigs, branches etc) and adding to the pile. Later this evening I will burn it and then sit beside it absorbing the warmth, watching it burn, deep in thought (as i always am at the side of a fire) with maybe a glass of wine.
I hate sorting house stuff..... what do I get rid of, what do I keep........ supposed to be downsizing BUT................ maybe the kids will want this or that, is this important or not...........

some of the 'stuff' has been saved many times over from the bin...... maybe it is time to hand it on or dispose of it!!!!!!!!

think I will take a break and wander around outside for a little while - much nicer things to look at out there ........... like these Christmas cactus that just keep on flowering.........

back inside for another go at the sorting........... 35 years of hanging onto stuff has got to stop!!!!
usable or not most of it has to go because we haven't USED it for many years!!!

I will feel good about the job I have done when I come back across to the old house in the morning and there is considerably less to sort through!!
AND none of it is my 'craft' and 'sewing' stuff!!! I did that big sort out a couple of months ago and that really felt good........ I can find most things I go looking for now!!! And quite a few people were very happy to receive what I discarded!!
Ahh well - another day nearly over - and I do feel really good to have sorted and discarded the amount I have today, plus cleaned up a bit more dried out prunings etc from around the yard.
A couple of hours and I can have a pretend bonfire on my own and think about what a great job I have done today!!!!
But tomorrow I am having a day sewing!!!